
Promoting Positive Mental Health



The Pillar Approach

Active Recovery – with Peer Support

Research has shown again and again the importance of good social networks in helping people reach and maintain positive mental health. Pillar members can choose from a range of opportunities to give and to receive mutual support and encouragement. As well as our groups and activities we encourage supported volunteering either in the safe spaces provided by Pillar or out in the community.

In this way people can gain confidence and develop the social and emotional skills they need to overcome life's difficulties and build a better future for themselves and those around them, as they go on a personal journey of recovery assisted by our professional staff.

Inclusion and Empowerment

Pillar Kincardine is an organisation run by and for its members, and involving service users is not just at the heart of all we do but also enshrined in our constitution. Thus our service users are members with a direct say in running the company – through elected representatives who sit alongside staff and volunteers (often themselves people with lived experience of mental health problems) on the Board of Directors.

Working Together

Through fundraising campaigns like TEAM 26.2 (Together Equals A Marathon) Pillar aims to raise awareness and combat prejudice by sharing experience and working in partnership with schools and other community organisations to reduce stigma. And by working closely with families and carers, and offering our tailored Mental Fitness workshops to the wider community, we hope to increase knowledge and change both attitudes and behaviour.

Shaping the Future

From our work in local schools we are keenly aware of how young people in particular need both help in recognising the signs and symptoms of stress, anxiety and depression, and advice both on how to deal with these and where to get help. We believe that with our long experience of working in this field we are uniquely placed to help schools address these issues with workshops targeted both at the young people themselves and at parents together with the teaching staff.

Contact Pillar Kincardine

Want more information?

Feel free to ask about our services using the form below, or contact us by telephone or email. You should normally hear back within 3 working days.

F16/17 Sheriff Court Building Dunnottar Avenue Stonehaven AB39 2JD
+44 1569 767222


Want help for yourself or someone else?

Please download the appropriate referral form using the links below, then send your completed form to us by email or post. You should normally hear back within 5 working days.